Reach Just One...
"You shall also be a crown of glory
In the hand of the Lord,
And a royal diadem
In the hand of your bbGod." Isaiah 62:3
One important truth our team has learned the last two years, whether we are doing outreach on the streets, in strip clubs, or in massage parlors, it's always about REACHING THE ONE. We might give hundreds of gifts, but a single gift, a word of encouragement, or prayer lifted in faith could change the course of one woman's life forever and impact generations that come after her.
While we have reached hundreds of women on outreach this year, there are a few that God has connected in real and tangible ways. We have entered into their stories and our lives have been forever changed. We have witnessed new births, new homes, new jobs, and new opportunities. This year has been filled with hurts and difficulties for many of these women. Though they have never asked for anything but unconditional love and support, we feel especially called to touch the lives of these amazing women and their children this Christmas.
There are two ways you can give to reach just one woman this Christmas.
1) Choose a gift from our Amazon wish list to bless her and her family. There are a variety of gifts and opportunities. These gifts will go directly to a woman impacted by sexual exploitation and will be presented to her before Christmas.
2) If you prefer to give a monetary donation to reach just one sexually exploited woman consider giving to the "Loved fund". This fund will be used in 2020 to encourage survivors leaving sexual exploitation and seeking to support their families. Needs can vary, $500 will help a survivor move in to her own apartment and help with first month's rent or help pay expenses for a new car, $100 will pay to keep electricity on for another month, $50 will buy a week or two worth of groceries, $25 will buy a formula or diapers or even a cake for a birthday party or graduation.
As we faithfully commit to reach just one, we allow God's redemption and healing to come full circle in her life and she begins to believe for healing for the next one. It is a powerful process and one that only God can accomplish! Thank you for joining us in our efforts to impact the world by REACHING THE ONE! You can help spread the word by tagging Defending Dignity and using the hashtag, #reachjustone. Share your stories on Facebook or Instagram about why you choose to support survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking!

- The Defending Dignity Team